Realitatea mea

Realitatea mea

The Reality of Me

( 3.9 de la 29 utilizatori )

840 min 2012 HD/4K

TROM (The Reality of Me) is an unique free online documentary, since no one has thought of such a documentary from our knowledge. We want to show, as well as we can, the whole picture, an insight into our world, a perspective from which you must extract meanings in order to understand, and curiosity to progress, because there is a lot of such information we call “scientific”. Moreover, we present alternative and existing solutions to radically improve every one's life. If you've never questioned your lifestyle and are well adjusted to our current society, you will, more than likely, get a shock, but if you watch the whole documentary you'll understand why. All chapters and sub-chapters are connected and in order to understand you have to watch the whole documentary, in order.

Realitatea mea
Realitatea mea (2012)
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