Movies: James Morrison

  • 1916
    The Man Hunt

    The Man Hunt (1916)

    The Man Hunt


    The Twelfth Regiment is to leave for the front in the morning at seven, and Captain Steadwell, who has been missing for three days, has not yet appeared. Unless he is found and returned to the head of his company by seven the next morning, disgrace w...

    The Man Hunt
  • 1913
    Getting Up a Practice

    Getting Up a Practice (1913)

    Getting Up a Practice


    Becoming impatient waiting for patients, young Doctor Bob Lyons is about discouraged. To add to his misery, his sweetheart's father, Mr. Irving, distinctly objects to Emily, his daughter, marrying Bob until he has a practice....

    Getting Up a Practice
  • 1912
    The Indian Mutiny

    The Indian Mutiny (1912)

    The Indian Mutiny


    Beatrice Wilson, visiting her brother, a British officer in India, is sought in marriage by a native prince. She refuses him and he plots revenge. He incites the Sepoys to mutiny and they set fire to Jack Wilson's home and endeavor to abduct Beatrice...

    The Indian Mutiny
  • 1920
    The Midnight Bride

    The Midnight Bride (1920)

    The Midnight Bride


    While waiting on a New York park bench for the return of her friends, country girl Jeanne Sterling meets Forrest Chenoweth, a rich young wastrel who, while drunk, registered for a marriage license with fortune-hunting Helen Dorr. Enchanted with Jeann...

    The Midnight Bride
  • 1914
    The False and the True

    The False and the True (1914)

    The False and the True


    Betty, the only daughter of Jenkins, a wealthy farmer, is secretly loved by Tom Saunders, a farm hand. Tom's scapegrace brother, Dick, returns from the city and is befriended by Tom. Dick later wins Betty's love. While Jenkins is blasting out a tree ...

    The False and the True
  • 1911
    The Battle Hymn of the Republic

    The Battle Hymn of the Republic (1911)

    The Battle Hymn of the Republic


    This patriotic and historic picture portrays the writing of the famous national hymn by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. In the early part of the Civil War President Lincoln was very much discouraged at the lack of enthusiasm and the tardiness with which the pe...

    The Battle Hymn of the Republic
  • 1918
    A Marriage of Convenience

    A Marriage of Convenience (1918)

    A Marriage of Convenience


    Billy Emerson and Mildred Girard are secretly engaged to be married after Billy graduates from West Point and becomes a lieutenant. A very serious setback to their tentative understanding occurs when Mr. Girard loses heavily in a stock transaction th...

    A Marriage of Convenience
  • 1912
    The Foster Child

    The Foster Child (1912)

    The Foster Child


    Mr. and Mrs. Caspar, home-loving, industrious people, long for a little one to bless their lives and their home. Their hopes are not in vain. One night, when they are sitting in the quiet, they hear the voice of a baby. Mr. Caspar, opening the door, ...

    The Foster Child
  • 1915
    The Ruling Power

    The Ruling Power (1915)

    The Ruling Power


    Mr. Williams, a stern father and man of wealth, disinherits his son Hugh, for marrying Rose, a seamstress. Twenty years later, although Sose is practically supporting her sick husband, their little store is taken from them and they are obliged to mov...

    The Ruling Power
  • 1913
    A Lady and Her Maid

    A Lady and Her Maid (1913)

    A Lady and Her Maid


    The photographer sends miss Ophelia a dozen photographs of her in different poses. Selecting the best one, she presents it to her favorite boarder, Billy, who does not think much of it and who gets very indignant when it is compared with the photo of...

    A Lady and Her Maid
  • 1913
    He Fell in Love with His Mother-in-Law

    He Fell in Love with His Mother-in-Law (1913)

    He Fell in Love with His Mother-in-Law


    That the way to a man's heart is by means of his appetite, is strikingly shown. Mother-in-law comes to visit the newly wedded couple and finds the young man somewhat discontented. It is no wonder, for his wife is so engrossed in her "art," although o...

    He Fell in Love with His Mother-in-Law
  • 1914
    The Soul of Luigi

    The Soul of Luigi (1914)

    The Soul of Luigi


    In the poor Italian quarter of New York lives Luigi, an Italian peasant and inventor, who is so absorbed in his work that he greatly neglects his wife, Nedda. She is younger than he and fond of pleasure. Not understanding his neglect, she strongly re...

    The Soul of Luigi
  • 1912
    She Never Knew

    She Never Knew (1912)

    She Never Knew


    Left with the care of his little grandchild through the death of his daughter, old Mr. Blinn tries in every way to give her the cure and attention which she needs....

    She Never Knew
  • 1912
    The Loyalty of Sylvia

    The Loyalty of Sylvia (1912)

    The Loyalty of Sylvia


    The daughter of an old friend is staying with Dr. Laurence. Sylvia is a naughty girl; she puts sneezing powder into a bunch of flowers to make everyone in the house sneeze. After the doctor introduces her to the son of a friend, the two fall in love ...

    The Loyalty of Sylvia
  • 1911
    The Fighting Schoolmaster

    The Fighting Schoolmaster (1911)

    The Fighting Schoolmaster


    Before the Civil War, George Harris, a Yankee schoolteacher, takes charge of a southern country school. He is attracted by Nellie Gardner, his prettiest pupil, but his attentions are resented by her big brother Phil, also a pupil. They quarrel and a ...

    The Fighting Schoolmaster
  • 1918
    Life or Honor?

    Life or Honor? (1918)

    Life or Honor?


    When retired merchant J. T. Manly is murdered, his son James, with whom he had quarreled, is arrested and finally convicted through the testimony of Manly's valet Aguinaldo. Shortly before James's execution, Sidney Holmes reveals to retired criminolo...

    Life or Honor?
  • 1916
    The Redemption of Dave Darcey

    The Redemption of Dave Darcey (1916)

    The Redemption of Dave Darcey


    Crook Dave Darcy gets reformed by working in a steel mill owned by someone who witnessed his crime....

    The Redemption of Dave Darcey
  • 1915
    The Battle Cry of Peace

    The Battle Cry of Peace (1915)

    The Battle Cry of Peace


    Enemy agents under the leadership of "Emanon" conspire with pacifists to keep the American defense appropriations down at a time when forces of the enemy are preparing to invade. The invasion comes, and New York, Washington, and other American cities...

    The Battle Cry of Peace
  • 1923
    The Dangerous Age

    The Dangerous Age (1923)

    The Dangerous Age


    Married for 22 years, Mary Emerson treats her husband, John, more like a son than a husband. He is stung by her rebuffs and, therefore, succumbs to the youthful charms of Gloria Sanderson, whom he meets on a business trip. But just after he mails a l...

    The Dangerous Age
  • 1916
    The Dawn of Freedom

    The Dawn of Freedom (1916)

    The Dawn of Freedom


    "The Dawn of Freedom" is a stinging satire on the death of those ideals that prompted the founders of the United States....

    The Dawn of Freedom