The Enchanted Forest of the Pygmy Hippopotamus

The Enchanted Forest of the Pygmy Hippopotamus

( 2.3 von 24 benutzern )

43 min. 1998 HD/4K

One of the most mysterious animals to inhabit the jungle is the pygmy hippopotamus - up to 300 kg in weight, just 2 meters long, and 80 cm tall, and a true loner. Since its discovery in 1844, generations of researchers have attempted to study it in the wild - but in vain. Although it proved possible to catch a few specimens for zoos, no one ever got to see them before they were already inside the trap. They eluded the gaze of the researchers like phantoms under the protection of the enchanted forest. These are the first ever pictures of pygmy hippopotami in their natural surroundings - the rain forest of West Africa. Set amid stories about their habitat, the film allows a first impression of this timid creature's life. While their ten-times heavier relatives are loud and gregarious and live in open stretches of water, the pygmy hippopotamus moves furtively through the thick undergrowth.

The Enchanted Forest of the Pygmy Hippopotamus
The Enchanted Forest of the Pygmy Hippopotamus (1998)

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