Film: Documentary

  • 2019

    Fyre (2019)



    He promised supermodels and yachts, but delivered tents and cheese sandwiches. How one man engineered a music festival disaster....

  • 1999
    Countdown to Eternity

    Countdown to Eternity (1999)

    Countdown to Eternity


    Bible expert Bill Gallatin explores biblical prophecies from the Book of Revelation that have transpired, with a discussion of whether these events signify that we are now living in the End Times preceding the return of Jesus Christ. Gallatin touches...

    Countdown to Eternity
  • 2013

    Subversivas (2013)



    "Subversivas" is a documentary that reveals the brazilian military dictatorship from the perspective of women. Teresa Angelo, Gilse Cosenza, Thereza Vidigal, Angela Pezzuti and Delsy Gonçalves joined the resistance to the military regime in different...

  • 2024

    JAUME (2024)



    A portrait of Jaume, the fishmonger of Esplugues de Llobregat....

  • 2024
    The Guardian of the Monarchs

    The Guardian of the Monarchs (2024)

    The Guardian of the Monarchs


    The forests of Michoacán are home to millions of monarch butterflies. Activist Homero Gómez was highly vocal about its preservation – and then he vanished....

    The Guardian of the Monarchs
  • 2016
    X-Rated 2: The Greatest Adult Stars of All-Time

    X-Rated 2: The Greatest Adult Stars of All-Time (2016)

    X-Rated 2: The Greatest Adult Stars of All-Time


    Documentary sequel that offers a close-up look into the personal lives of the legendary porn stars who've survived the test of time and influenced popular culture. Blends rare interviews with erotic clips and additional appearances by Whoopi Goldberg...

    X-Rated 2: The Greatest Adult Stars of All-Time
  • 2024
    Operation Hope - The Children Lost in the Amazon

    Operation Hope - The Children Lost in the Amazon (2024)

    Operation Hope - The Children Lost in the Amazon


    The incredible true story of four children, who survive a plane crash deep in the dangerous Colombian Amazon. They are lost and alone for 40 days while the military and indigenous guard race against time to find them....

    Operation Hope - The Children Lost in the Amazon
  • 2024
    Society of the Snow: Who Were We on the Mountain?

    Society of the Snow: Who Were We on the Mountain? (2024)

    Society of the Snow: Who Were We on the Mountain?


    An in-depth look at the creative process behind "Society of the Snow," featuring cast, crew, director J.A. Bayona and even real-life survivors....

    Society of the Snow: Who Were We on the Mountain?
  • 2017
    Faces Places

    Faces Places (2017)

    Faces Places


    Director Agnès Varda and photographer/muralist JR journey through rural France and form an unlikely friendship....

    Faces Places
  • 2023
    Money Shot: The Pornhub Story

    Money Shot: The Pornhub Story (2023)

    Money Shot: The Pornhub Story


    Featuring interviews with performers, activists and past employees, this documentary offers a deep dive into the successes and scandals of Pornhub....

    Money Shot: The Pornhub Story
  • 2010
    Inside Job

    Inside Job (2010)

    Inside Job


    A film that exposes the shocking truth behind the economic crisis of 2008. The global financial meltdown, at a cost of over $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Through extensive research and interviews with major...

    Inside Job
  • 2005
    Grizzly Man

    Grizzly Man (2005)

    Grizzly Man


    Werner Herzog's documentary film about the "Grizzly Man" Timothy Treadwell and what the thirteen summers in a National Park in Alaska were like in one man's attempt to protect the grizzly bears. The film is full of unique images and a look into the s...

    Grizzly Man
  • 2024
    The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee

    The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee (2024)

    The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee


    Aristocratic Italian roots, a close family connection to James Bond novelist Ian Fleming, wartime experiences in the British and Finnish military, post-war Nazi-hunting adventures and a side career as a heavy metal rock singer. And one of the most ic...

    The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee
  • 2022
    All the Beauty and the Bloodshed

    All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (2022)

    All the Beauty and the Bloodshed


    The life of internationally renowned artist and activist Nan Goldin is told through her slideshows, intimate interviews, ground-breaking photography, and rare footage of her personal fight to hold the Sackler family accountable for the overdose crisi...

    All the Beauty and the Bloodshed
  • 2018
    American Animals

    American Animals (2018)

    American Animals


    Lexington, Kentucky, 2004. Four young men attempt to execute one of the most audacious art heists in the history of the United States....

    American Animals
  • 2017

    Boston (2017)



    The history of the Boston Marathon from its humble origins starting with only 15 runners, to the first female runners, through the tragedy in 2013, and ultimately the triumph of 2014....

  • 2023
    The Eternal Memory

    The Eternal Memory (2023)

    The Eternal Memory


    Augusto and Paulina have been together for 25 years. Eight years ago, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Both fear the day he no longer recognizes her....

    The Eternal Memory
  • 2006
    Jackass Number Two

    Jackass Number Two (2006)

    Jackass Number Two


    Jackass Number Two is a compilation of various stunts, pranks and skits, and essentially has no plot. Chris Pontius, Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Bam Margera, and the whole crew return to the screen to raise the stakes higher than ever before....

    Jackass Number Two
  • 2022

    Ennio (2022)



    A portrait of Ennio Morricone, the most popular and prolific film composer of the 20th century, the one most loved by the international public, a two-time Oscar winner and the author of over five hundred unforgettable scores....

  • 2022
    The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes

    The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes (2022)

    The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes


    This documentary explores the mystery surrounding the death of movie icon Marilyn Monroe through previously unheard interviews with her inner circle....

    The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes
  • 2023
    The Spell

    The Spell (2023)

    The Spell



    The Spell
  • 2023
    Amalie skal dø

    Amalie skal dø (2023)

    Amalie skal dø


    For 21-årige Amalie Vilslev er der ingen vej tilbage: Hun skal dø. For tre år siden overlevede hun på mirakuløst vis en lungetransplantation, men nu siger lungerne endegyldigt fra. I den livsbekræftende TV 2 ECHO-dokumentar følger vi Amalie i den sid...

    Amalie skal dø
  • 2023
    Copenhagen Cowboy: I neonlyset med Nicolas Winding Refn

    Copenhagen Cowboy: I neonlyset med Nicolas Winding Refn (2023)

    Copenhagen Cowboy: I neonlyset med Nicolas Winding Refn



    Copenhagen Cowboy: I neonlyset med Nicolas Winding Refn
  • 2023
    Dagen jeg døde

    Dagen jeg døde (2023)

    Dagen jeg døde


    Alexander skal have en hjerteoperation og er bange for om han overlever....

    Dagen jeg døde
  • 2022
    Jacob A. Riis der ændrede Amerika

    Jacob A. Riis der ændrede Amerika (2022)

    Jacob A. Riis der ændrede Amerika


    Historisk dokumentar fra 2022. Historikeren Tom Buk-Swienty tager os med på en rejse gennem Jacob A. Riis' utrolige liv. Jacob udvandrer i 1870 som fattig tømrersvend fra Ribe til Amerika på grund af ulykkelig kærlighed. Men i New York bliver han hje...

    Jacob A. Riis der ændrede Amerika
  • 2022
    Ghitas hemmeligheder

    Ghitas hemmeligheder (2022)

    Ghitas hemmeligheder


    For første gang fortæller skuespilleren om de mange afsavn, som 70 år på scenen har kostet. Om ensomheden og om den kæmpe tragedie, hun oplevede i sin ungdom, som uden tvivl har været med til at skabe den - til tider meget hårde og kompromisløse, men...

    Ghitas hemmeligheder
  • 2022
    Viking Comeback: Kevin Magnussen's F1 Return

    Viking Comeback: Kevin Magnussen's F1 Return (2022)

    Viking Comeback: Kevin Magnussen's F1 Return


    Se Kevin Magnussens fængslende historie om 2022-sæsonen, som på magisk vis genoplivede danskerens Formel 1-karriere. Kom med bag kulisserne i alt fra det hårde arbejde på træningscentret til hans historiske pole position i Brasilien....

    Viking Comeback: Kevin Magnussen's F1 Return
  • 2022
    Organiseret Vildskab

    Organiseret Vildskab (2022)

    Organiseret Vildskab



    Organiseret Vildskab
  • 2022
    Flugtkongens datter

    Flugtkongens datter (2022)

    Flugtkongens datter


    Cecilie er datter af Danmarks ukronede flugtkonge, Hans Enrico Nati. Det har givet hende mange ar, både psykisk og fysisk. Men Cecilie nægter at gøre sig til et offer - også selv om det kan være svært at konfrontere fortiden og lægge fordommene bag s...

    Flugtkongens datter
  • 2022
    Mellem Grænser

    Mellem Grænser (2022)

    Mellem Grænser



    Mellem Grænser
  • 2022
    Skabelsen af Riget Exodus

    Skabelsen af Riget Exodus (2022)

    Skabelsen af Riget Exodus



    Skabelsen af Riget Exodus
  • 2022
    Abdel og det beskidte spil i Qatar

    Abdel og det beskidte spil i Qatar (2022)

    Abdel og det beskidte spil i Qatar


    Journalist Abdel Aziz Mahmoud, der både er muslim og homoseksuel, tager til den lille ørkenstat Qatar for at undersøge forholdene inden VM i fodbold begynder....

    Abdel og det beskidte spil i Qatar
  • 2022
    På flugt fra Danmark

    På flugt fra Danmark (2022)

    På flugt fra Danmark


    Han flygtede som barn fra krigen i Syrien. Nu flygter han igen - væk fra Danmark, som har de strammeste regler i Europa. Hundredvis risikerer at miste deres ret til ophold i Danmark, men tør ikke vende tilbage til diktaturet i Syrien. De bliver sendt...

    På flugt fra Danmark
  • 2022
    Når mænd får tæv

    Når mænd får tæv (2022)

    Når mænd får tæv


    Skyld og skam – og et stort tabu. Sådan føler de cirka 20.000 mænd, der i dagens Danmark årligt rammers af partnervold. To mænd fortæller deres historier om partnervold....

    Når mænd får tæv
  • 2022
    Kœre mig, A Letter to My Younger Self

    Kœre mig, A Letter to My Younger Self (2022)

    Kœre mig, A Letter to My Younger Self



    Kœre mig, A Letter to My Younger Self
  • 2022
    Mysteriet om Poul

    Mysteriet om Poul (2022)

    Mysteriet om Poul


    Pludselig en dag forsvinder Najas far. Han er på rejse i USA, men vender ikke hjem. Senere får hun den triste besked, at hendes far, Poul, er død. Poul er blevet dræbt, men mere ved hun ikke. Naja tager med vært Kristian Bech til New Orleans i USA fo...

    Mysteriet om Poul
  • 2022
    Opråb fra plejehjemmet

    Opråb fra plejehjemmet (2022)

    Opråb fra plejehjemmet


    En ansat på plejehjemmet Nørremarken i Køge har flere gange forsøgt at råbe sin ledelse op om omsorgssvigt af de svageste beboere, men intet er sket. TV 2 afdækker ved hjælp af skjult kamera alt fra omsorgssvigt til hård tone - og en magtanvendelse, ...

    Opråb fra plejehjemmet
  • 2022
    Being Seen Seeing

    Being Seen Seeing (2022)

    Being Seen Seeing



    Being Seen Seeing
  • 2023
    Music for Black Pigeons

    Music for Black Pigeons (2023)

    Music for Black Pigeons



    Music for Black Pigeons
  • 2022
    Manden der ikke ville miste sit ben

    Manden der ikke ville miste sit ben (2022)

    Manden der ikke ville miste sit ben


    En vinterdag møder en stædig mand ind på Kolding Sygehus. Han har en aftale på Karkirurgisk Afdeling. Det er Mogens' sidste forsøg på at beholde sit ben....

    Manden der ikke ville miste sit ben